We Believe...

Our beliefs represent the foundation of our faith and are our understanding of what the Bible proclaims as the essentials of Christianity. All of our values, behaviors, teachings and way of life flow out of these statements.

We Believe
the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible Word of God.

II Peter 1:21

We Believe
The triune Godhead consists of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Three in One and One in Three.

II Cor. 13:14

We Believe
In the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

I Timothy 3:16

We Believe
In evangelistic and missionary fervor and endeavor; locally first, internationally second.

Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-18

We Believe
Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and is a free gift given to all who repent and believe.

We Believe
In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by Whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a holy life.

We Believe
in the Biblical command to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

We Believe
In salvation through the redeeming blood of Christ.

Hebrews 9:22

We Believe
In water baptism for believers by immersion.

Matthew 28:19

We Believe
In the keeping power of God.

I Corinthians 1:8, Jude 24

We Believe
in the process of sanctification and holiness of heart and the overcoming life.

Ephesians 5:15-17

We Believe
in the continual Baptism in the Holy Spirit; the present ministry of the Spirit through the five-fold ministries, the gifts of the Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit.

Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6; Ephesians 4:11; I Corinthians 12:8-11; Galatians 5:22, 23

We Believe
that divine healing is obtained through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

I Peter 2:24

We Believe
and affirm women in leadership and instructional positions.

Romans 16:1; 3-4

We Believe
in Christ’s bodily return in power and great glory, and in His present and coming everlasting dominion. We believe that the eternal dwelling place of God is on the Earth with us His people.

Acts 1:8, Rev. 1:7, Dan.7:14, Rev 21:3

We Believe
In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of eternal life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of eternal punishment.

John 5:28, 29, Rev. 20:15

We Believe
that the definition of the covenant of Marriage is a Biblically defined word signifying union between a man and a woman, and that definition is timeless and cannot be redefined.

Matthew 19:4-5

We Believe
that we are called by God to love, serve, and lift up every human in our path regardless of who they are or how they live.

Luke 10:25-37

Our Culture & Values

These statements represent the atmosphere we seek to continually grow in and cultivate both corporately and personally:

Jesus is the center.

We continually draw one another’s attention to Christ. He is the focal point of all we are and do.

We long to see others come alive in Christ.

When others experience fullness of life in christ, it spreads like wildfire to everyone around us. That’s revival!

We are a people in process.

As disciples of Jesus, we follow Him, growing in intimacy with God, understanding His Word, and living out His values. We are all in the process of becoming more like Jesus. While none of us have "arrived," we trust the Lord to lead us forward. As we journey together, we recognize our own weaknesses before addressing those in others. Love for one another covers many sins and is the foundation for positive influence in each other’s lives.

Prayer is the air we breathe.

In our culture, prayer is normal, frequent, spontaneous and planned, and wildly diverse in its expression.

We long for and expect the Holy Spirit to move.

Through planned and unplanned moments, we often experience spontaneous songs, prayer, exhortation, and ministry in our gatherings.

We speak life.

It’s our native tongue. We use our words to encourage, celebrate, and call-out theglory and destiny in others.

The Supernatural is natural.

We expect the Holy Spirit to work among us in signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, visions, prophetic words, healing, and deliverance.

God cares about whole human health.

God cares about our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational health. We celebrate, support, and receive all the ways He brings health into our lives.

We love our “enemies.”

We bless those who curse. Pray for those who persecute. Speak well of those who slander. Plead for mercy over judgment and leave vengeance for the Lord.

Honor every person.

With holy fear and trembling we see every person as a reflection of God and therefore a gift to reveal Himself more fully to us. We honor generations that came before us and fight for generations that come after.

We cultivate a family atmosphere.

People of all generations and backgrounds are welcomed, valued, known, loved, celebrated, and supported.

We elevate others.

We champion one another to walk in our God-given fullness. We rejoice in each other’s promotion and look for ways to propel others into their destinies.

Everyone gets to play.

Every member carries an important contribution to our family. We help each other find the “sweet spot” where our gifts and passions shine!

We value regional unity and influence.

We love our fellow local churches, count them as family, celebrate their unique identity, accept their differences, pray for their prosperity, seek our common ground in Christ, and find ways to bless, support, encourage, resource, and partner with them in our shared mission. God has called us to be a “pocket of fire” in our region, fanning the flames of prayer, worship and revival.

We own our decisions.

We believe that God speaks to us. We also believe that He gives us choices and does not want to control us. We are careful with words like “God says... God told me... Thus saith the Lord...” We do not use these to add weight to opinions or excuse us from responsibility for decisions. In our culture, it’s ok to have personal desires, goals and plans. It’s ok to risk, fail and succeed. It’s ok to make choices: good ones, neutral ones, bad ones... We take responsibility for our decisions and we walk through the outcomes together.

Respect personal boundaries.

We honor each person's “No” as much as their “Yes”. We ask if we can hug or place a hand on someone’s shoulder to pray for them. We invite others to serve, share, dialog, participate...and we accept their answers.

We prioritize healthy communication.

We speak well of one another! When we have conflict or offense, we speak directly with that person. We apologize and forgive. We make our needs known. We listen. We respect differing opinions.

Church starts on Sunday...

...but it doesn’t end there! Our Sunday services are a dependable “landing pad” where we return to receive rest, refreshment and re-filling! But we don’t live on the “landing pad”! Sunday is also a “launch pad” into our daily life as the Church! We continue to share life together through other weekly touchpoints like Prayer Room, Small Groups and Ministry Teams. We invest in personal relationships with fellow members of New Hope: inspiring one another to follow Jesus and take His message, power and love into our jobs, schools, neighborhoods, friendships and families.